The taste of fresh fruit, carved in front of you right off the seed or out of the skin. Sliced up or cracked open. From coconuts or star fruit, from mango to banana, and all the options in between. The explosion of flavor when the juices run wild over your tongue at first bite.
Read MoreJ in Jamaica: Day Seven
The last day of our Jamaica adventures took its time getting here and then ended far too quickly. Like most stages of life one thing comes to a halt and another starts a new. Life’s about seasons, and today was the end of our Jamaica season.
Read MoreJ in Jamaica: Day Six
Two of the worst words to ever hear while you’re riding through Jamaica with 31 people stuffed into a 15 passenger van are: “Who fart’d?”
Read MoreJ in Jamaica: Day Five
The day began earlier for some of us. Against better judgement but with adventurous hearts, a group of seven ignored the desire to sleep and set off to view the sunrise at 5:15am.
Read MoreJ in Jamaica: Day Four
Today started without a trip to the fruit market but it was still a wonderful one. Between a VBS full of exuberant youngsters, a late lunch at a local Jamaican restaurant, the rejoicing of another baptism, and the gathering for an evening gospel meeting it was a full day of the Lord’s work.
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