Well, 2017 is a month old which means one things:
Most people’s “New Year’s Resolutions” have already fallen by the wayside.
I didn’t set any New Year’s Resolutions in the typical sense but I did set a list of 8 goals for 2017. They vary from physical to spiritual to intellectual. They aren’t all simultaneous and they don’t really coincide with each other at all.
However, all of my goals were made because 2016 was terrible.
Maybe not for everyone, definitely for celebrities trying to live, but I personally found myself sad, defeated, and upset at the year I had and the goals I had not accomplished. Through laziness, time, work, lack of focus, you name it, last year ended without me taking steps forward, but unfortunately taking steps back.
And I’m pretty positive I’m not the only one who felt that way.
Maybe you’re the same as me.
Because of this I spent the first month of 2017 making some changes.
I’ve spent the whole month eating paleo, I’ve set up a creative space (where I can work on my novel, edit film, maybe even write more consistent blog posts), I got a hair cut which included going from a pony tail to a buzz, I’ve started an internet web series with a friend about songs (more on that in another post), and I’ve started working on building habits and routines to achieve the eight goals I mentioned above.
It’s not coming over night and it hasn’t been easy.
After 2016 knocked me back and beat me down I’m getting up again.
Because it's time for a comeback.